History of LISP
Paul McJones, editor

The goal of this project is to collect, preserve, and present source code, design documents, and other materials concerning the original LISP I/1.5 system, and as many of its follow-ons as possible. LISP was one of the earliest high-level programming languages and introduced many ideas such as garbage collection, recursive functions, symbolic expressions, and dynamic type-checking; it is still in use. This is a project of the Computer History Museum's Software Preservation Group. The editor appreciates comments, suggestions, and donations of additional materials.
- Acknowledgements
- LISP 1.5 family
- Other LISP 1.5 implementations
- LISP 1.5 for Univac M-460 (Air Force Cambridge Research Laboratories)
- LISP 1.5 for AN/FSQ-32/V (System Development Corporation)
- LISP 1.5 for GE 235 (Dartmouth)
- LISP 1.5 for IBM M44 (Air Force Cambridge Research Laboratories)
- LISP 1.5 for IBM 7030 (The MITRE Corporation)
- LISP 1.5 for IBM 360 at SDC
- LISP 1.5 for Raytheon 704 at SDC
- MBLISP (Martin Baltimore)
- YULISP and Hawkinson-Yates LISP (Yale University, University of Florida, and CENAC, Mexico)
- LISP 1.5 for CDC 6000 series (University of Texas, Austin)
- LISP 3600 for CDC 3600 (Norwegian Defence Research Establishment)
- LISP/360 for IBM System/360 (University of Waterloo)
- Stanford Lisp/360
- NPS LISP 1.5 for IBM System/360 (Naval Postgraduate School)
- RPI LISP 1.5 for IBM System/360 (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute)
- LISP 1.5 for Univac 1108 (University of Wisconsin - Madison)
- Maryland LISP 1.5 for Univac 1100 (University of Maryland)
- ULISP for PDP-11 (University of Maryland)
- ALISP for CDC 6000 (Cyber 72) series (University of Massachussets Amherst)
- LISP for Interdata 7/16
- LISP 2 family
- Interlisp family
- MacLisp family
- Stanford LISP 1.6 family
- IBM 360/370 LISP family
- Standard LISP family
- Scheme family
- Le_Lisp
- UtiLisp
- Common Lisp family
- EuLisp
- Other Lisps
- LISPITO for IBM 1620 (National Politechnic Institute, Mexico)
- DECUS LISPs for PDP-8 and PDP-11
- Lisp 1.6 for IBM 1130 (Boston Latin School)
- CIMAS LISP (National University of Mexico)
- MTS LISP (Michigan Terminal System, University of Michigan)
- ECSD Lisp (Edinburgh Computer Science Department)
- Harvard LISP for PDP-11
- PDP-11 LISP (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
- COINS Lisp for VAX/VMS (University of Massachussets Amherst)
- GLISP (Stanford University and University of Texas))
- LispKit Lisp (Oxford University)
- PicoLisp
- muLISP
- P-Lisp (GNOSIS)
- Embedded Lisps
- Parallel Lisps
- Butterfly Lisp (BBN)
- Butterfly PSL (Portable Standard Lisp) (University of Utah)
- Connection Machine Lisp (Thinking Machines Corporation)
- Connection Machine *Lisp (StarLisp) (Thinking Machines Corporation)
- Multilisp (M.I.T. Laboratory for Computer Science)
- Qlisp (Stanford University)
- SPUR Lisp (University of California, Berkeley)
- TOP-1 Common Lisp (IBM Tokyo Research Laboratory)
- UMass Parallel Common Lisp (University of Massachusetts Amherst) and Top Level Common Lisp
- Other resources for the history of LISP
This project is dedicated to Professor Doctor Herbert Stoyan, who dedicated much time to tracing the development of Lisp from its birth in John McCarthy's project at M.I.T. through its world-wide diaspora, and who very generously donated his Lisp archives to the Computer History Museum: the Herbert Stoyan Collection on LISP Programming, Lot Number X5687.2010. Stoyan's collection may be searched via the finding aid or the Museum's catalog.
Many other people contributed information, manuals, and software:
- Bob Abeles, Paul W. Abrahams, John R. Allen, Giuseppe Attardi, Jeff Barnett, Bruce G. Baumgart, Alan Bawden, David Betz, Fred Blair, Dennis Boone, Robert Brayton, Daniel G. Bobrow, Lars Brinkhoff, Phil Budne, Alexander Burger, Howard I. Cannon, Mats Carlsson, George Carrette, Jérôme Chailloux, Steve Cherry, Masaomi Chiba, Rich Cornwell, Paul Cumberworth, Scott Cyphers, Timothy Daly, Ruth E. Davis, Josh Dersch, L. Peter Deutsch, Deborah Douglas, Daniel J. Edwards, John R. Ellis, Scott E. Fahlman, Edward Feigenbaum, Robert R. Fenichel, Edward Fredkin, Tayssir John Gabbour, Richard P. Gabriel, Richard Greenblatt, Adolfo Guzmán-Arenas, Anders Haraldsson, Jack Harper, Timothy P. Hart, Lowell Hawkinson, Zane H. Healy, Charles L. Hedrick, Steven O. Hobbs, Rainer Joswig, Paul Kimpel, Robert L. Kirby, Jon Kleiser, Tom Knight, Al Kossow, Alan Kotok, Michael I. Levin, John Lewis, David Librik, Paco Linux, Emílio C. Lopes, John D. Lowrance, Andru Luvisi, Kazimir Majorinc, Klim Maling, Jed Marti, Larry Masinter, J.P. Massar, Blake McBride, John McCarthy, James McDonald, Harold V. McIntosh, Jim Meehan, Jonathan K. Millen, The MIT Press, David A. Moon, Joel Moses, Daniel L. Murphy, Marvin L. Minsky, Beryl Nelson, Derek Newhall, Eric Norman, Gordon S. Novak, Jr., Asher Olsen, Julian Padget, Angelo Papenhoff, Chris Perdue, Joachim Pimiskern, Kent M. Pitman, Dave Pitts, Lynn H. Quam, Thomas C. Rindfleisch, SDF Public Access UNIX System (TWENEX.ORG), Stephen R. Russell, Peter R. Samson, Robert A. Saunders, Raymundo Segovia, Bernard Serpette, Carl Shapiro, Stanley T. Shebs, Tim Shoppa, Jeff Shrager, Olin Sibert, Guy L. Steele Jr., Bob Supnik, Tetsuro Tanaka, Warren Teitelman, Graham Toal, David Touretzky, Alberto Verjovsky, Björn Victor, Eiiti Wada, Mark Waterbury, Clark Weissman, Arun Welch, Michael Wessel, JonL White, Nigel Williams, and Robert Yates.